Support Forum

Hello again,

I have some quick questions about final adjustments in the site layout that I can't figure on my own. If everything goes well, this should be last questions asked at support forum (we hope so) :)

The screenshot is essential here.

1. Red selection:
How can I delete section that's highlighted and selected in inspect tool? Below it there's custom particle, but it's basically only embedded video.

2. Blue selection:
Is it possible to delete that diamond icon (with the whole line that goes through it), and red short line?

3. Green Arrows:
First green arrow from top (with global margin) - How can set the top margin above video to have the same length as default (global?) margin on left and right side of video?
Other arrows: Is it possible to freely adjust size of blank space that all is selected by the green arrows?

4. Gold circle in menu
Where can I change highlight color of menu elements? I looked at almost every color in style settings, but none seems to be responsible for menu highlights.

And this is it.
Final questions.
There should be no more.

Can you help? :)
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