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Hi Ivo,

How are you? :)
I have a question, maybe it is something that you can help me a bit further with...
my client of this website: eindhovenfilmfestival nl showed me how the website looks on her MacBookPro.
That was quite ugly, because the bottom pink section was quite big, almost 1/3 of the viewport height.

I checked the website on the same laptop with Firefox: there website looks much better there.

When inspecting the website in Chrome, I noticed that the 'tablet landscape range' breakpoint was active (>900, <1200px).
So Chrome thinks the device is a tablet :p and that's why the pink section is 1/3 of the viewport height, it has the height that I intended to have on tablets.

Now I wonder... never knew that browsers could use the wrong breakpoints... in cases like this... has this to do with the website, of is the combination browser <> device something that could cause this? In the first case, it's my job, but otherwise, I could say something like... this has nothing do with the website.

Have you experienced something like this before?

Have a great day!
With kind regards,
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