Support Forum

Hello Ivo,

I am using Lazy Load on my website along with the fixed header atom.
Without lazy load added to my site, the menu scrolls to the top of the page and then sticks like normal as it should.
Once I have enabled lazy load, when the page first loads, for a brief moment the banner is not visible (this is expected) and the menu is almost at the top of the page. The banner will load immediately after the page load which pushes the menu down.

This is where the issue is, as soon as you begin to scroll the page, the menu jumps to the top and sticks leaving a gap on the page between the banner and the main content.

It appears the Fixed Header atom is recognizing the initial position of the menu on the page before the banner appears and using it as the start position instead of where the menu ends up after the banner has loaded.

When you have a chance please take a look and let me know if this is something that can be fixed. If not, I will simply add the banner image to the exclude list.


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