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Do i have to use the Outline under Template?

There is something i cant get my head around that maybe you can just clarefy for me
I have used the Outline in Tempate to create basic layout for a frontpage and article
Article layout is basically only the menus, logo, header+ article

Now each article will have different modules shown on the right side

Normally in Joomla I would do that by go to module manager and publish a module on the sides I wanted.
I am not able to do that now. It does not show up

It only show up if i go to the template and select the outline "article"
Then drag a module out here.
I will have 50 articles that all needs diffferent modules
So do I need to create 50 outlines, one for each article?

Idealy after I have made the frontpage and one article outline, i would like to be able to control publishing modules from the module page within native Joomla

Can you give me some direction here

Thanks for your time
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