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Font setting in gantry

Hi Ivo,
I can't understand the behaviour of font selection panel, and I think this is probably my problem of lack of knowledge.
For example if I want to set an heavy font for headers (let's say "family=Lato:900") everything works fine. If I change the menu font in family=Lato:400 nothing happens, while if I set the body font in family=Lato:300, all the fonts of the webpage become light.
If I set both for Body, Heading and Menu font family=Lato:900,300 everithing becomes light.
This happens for every single google family font. Where am I wrong?

In general I could not find a precise explanation about font families setting in gantry, such as putting more values after the font declaration (example family=Play:700,400)
Can you help me somehow?

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