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After a recent SEO analysis, they reported that I had no H1 tags on my front page. The front page is made up entirely of particles and it seems all particles default titles to H3. My goal of course is to change the title tags to h1, but doesn't that require copying the particle and changing the H3 manually to H1 in the YAML file?

I'm hoping there is an easier method, as that is a tremendous amount of work and I'm concerned things might get screwy when there is an update to the template.

So my question is, what would be the recommended solution to change all particle titles to H1 and also reduce the size of the fonts for H1 - H5 so that they are not to large. H1 is just too large a font to use in many cases, especially taking into consideration when displayed on mobile devices.

My second question is knowing that this MAY be an issue in regards to SEO, why would you use H3 as a default in stead of H1 and then leave it to overrides (custom.css) to change the default font sizes.

This is just for discussion purposes and to determine what you consider would be best practice to follow to ensure that your template designs meet what seems to be a standard.

Maybe an article or video discussing the issue, options for dealing with these types of issues, using media breakpoints for better display on mobile devices would be beneficial.

Anyhoo, thanks for your time and keep up the great work!
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