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Trying to understand how inheritance works when placing modules and particles when you have style defaults & colors established.

For Example:

1. Footer
Background: #6699cc
Text Color: #ffffff
Heading Color: #ffffff

2. Module using particle Content pro (Footer A Position)

I would expect that the Content Pro particle would inherit the text color and background style without doing further custom overrides, and that links would also inherit the same colors or possibly the accent colors.

I placed a sample module on the bottom (Footer-A) module on this page:

What results:
1. Particle background is white instead of the blue color used in the footer section position.
2. Buttons Overlap or are cut off (Not responsive)
3. Text color is white (does this inherit from the Section Style?

I see this same behavior when using custom style overrides for boxes as an example and end up having to adjust individual elements through custom css.

Just trying to understand exactly how and why it works the way it does. is this by design? It simply adds extra work I wouldn't assume necessary if it would just inherit from the section style.

Would it be acceptable to request additional fields in the section styles for default link color, hover color or additional Accent colors for this purpose?
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