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Go to Top Particle

I know I've mentioned this to you before but I really do think you should add the Go to Top particle you created to your particles list. Before I saw that particle in the Oxygen theme I was using a paid Joomla plugin that does the same thing. The free version of that plugin doesn't include the ability to use Font Awesome icons but the paid version does.

I was able to adapt your particle to work on my site quite easily without creating a new layout. I noticed that in the Oxygen theme you had a section in the layout specific for the ToTop particle. What I did was add a new row to the bottom of the Footer section. I then added your "Go to Top" particle to that row and under the block settings for the particle I added the CSS ID that is being targeted by the SCSS. This way I don't have to create a new layout just to add the particle.

The only other thing I had to do was to move the z-index setting as I noticed that it wasn't working properly on one of my sites. When you wrote the css for the particle you added the z-index to the style classes. When I added the particle to my site using RT's Photon theme it was hidden behind one of the sections and no matter how high of a number I entered for the z-index it would not sit on top of the section. So I moved the z-index setting to the ID section #g-to-top of the scss file and it fixed the problem.

I've also created a number of different styles for it. I have added 14 extra on top of the 2 pre-existing styles.

In any case, give it some thought! While you may not think it's anything really special I think you'll find a lot of people will be interested in using it!

kind regards,


P.S. - is there a way to pre-define the CSS ID in the particle under the Block tab?
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