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Hero particle, revolution slider

Hi Jordan, Ivo, hi all,

I was very happy to notice that you built two awesome new templates, Galaxy and Mighty :D
It remembers me of my childhood... when I was 9 or 10 years old, I got a subscription to my favourite magazine (Donald Duck :p ) for my birthday.
Every week when the new edition landed on the door mat, I ran to grab it and started reading. A brand new magazine, lots of things to read, it gave me a rich feeling.

Now, many years later, I saw two brand new templates on the Inspiretheme website and got this same old feeling: wow cool, what's in it, can't wait working with it.
So... thanks for your great work!

I have a question about the slider in the Galaxy template. It comes with the hero particle. I really like the animation effects, but because at this moment it has just 3 effects, it's not always matching the desired style. So I would like to use the unite revolution slider, that's in the Mighty template.
How should I do this, as it's not free?

Thanks again and have a very nice day!

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