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Joomla 4 and Oxygen

Hi Ivo

I have to build a simple new website. I was wondering if it would not be best to just start with Joomla 4, Gantry 5.5 to learn about the new version before migrating my primary site. You mentioned to Kostas that Oxygen is already Joomla 4 compatible. For me the Template does not really matter as I know now what I have to change so that it looks like I need it to look like. So Oxygen or Milano does not really make a difference to me.

What Uikit version will the Joomla 4/InspireTheme versions support? 2 or 3? As I have to program a larger module using Uikit features, the Uikit version is important.

Is the downloadable version of Oxygen already Joomla 4 ready? If not, would it be possible to be part of the beta test? ;)

Kind regards

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