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Before writing this ticket I spent some time in my server logs, set up a pingdom uptime report and other diagnostic tools so I was somewhat sure that I did not have anything wrong in my end. We have a VPS with SIteGround that runs about 50 Joomla sites on it. All the sites run fine with the exception of the new site we are developing with one of your templates. During testing I did turn on caching, GZIP all the normal things to speed up a Joomla site. We have sites that load in under a second using Pingdom testing tools, so I know the server is plenty fast, we know how to set up a Joomla site for speed. We have not optimized the CSS files or the JS files yet, but during development we never do this and using a RocketTheme template we have no issues with our dev sites.

So here are my problems and i hope that you can point me in the right direction or find that we have installed something incorrect with your template.
1. The CSS and JS files are huge, see screenshots, almost 2 MBs combined. I know we have not combined or edited them, but out of the box these things are enormous, is there a reason why your files are so large and is there a way to reduce them without manually editing all of the files line by line?
2. All things considered the site loads okay speed wise as huge as these files are. What I have found is if the computer accessing the site does not have a lot of CPU power, the site will load really slow trying to read and execute these large files. So this becomes an issue for the site visitors if they are not running a really fast computer.
3. The most important issue is that the site built with your template goes offline with a nonresponsive server error constantly. And all of our other sites stay up on the same server. See Pingdom report. I also included a report on a site that is much more heavily loaded with images and components using a RocketTheme template and as you can see the size of the CSS and JS files are a 1/4 of your files in size.

Something is drastically wrong in our installation or this particular template. We are needing to launch within two weeks and prefer to keep your template as it has some nice particles, is built on Gantry 5 and has a layout that fits the project.

So any help would be appreciated, and I have read your tutorial on speeding up a site, and it is all of the basics things we have done since we began developing sites in joomla 9 years ago.
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