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Lightcase atom: popup image not in fullsize

Hi Ivo,

one more question.
I used to use JCE and the Rokbox plugin for image popups which works really nicely.
However since Rokbox will probably die (unfortunately) with Joomla 4, I have to use the Lightcase atom which doesn't work the way I want it to.

I put an article online so you can see it:

The first two images will open in Lightcase however not in fullsize (should be 1200x900px or a litte bit less according to viewsize), the third image is opened in Rokbox like it should be.

I tried to find out in the lightbox.min.css where this wrong behaviour is layed down but I can't find it.

I would like to have my images be opened in the same size as in Rokbox.

Thanks in advance,
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