Support Forum

Login in modal popup

I try to copy the medical template and I create all the login form as you do in medical template.
But when I click on the icon for login, only an horizontal line appears. How can I correct that?
You can repeat this if you go on
See image joined: login.png

I have also another question and if I must create a new ticket, I can do it, no problem.

When I click on an article as : lire l'article (translation of read more) I always go to the home page with all the modules. I want to know if I must create another layout with only the modules I want or I can use another method for seeing my article in plain page only with the menu as some articles works.
See the images joined: ArticleLayout.png and ArticleLayout2.png

Perhaps this last question is beyond your support, I understand if this is the case and I continue to search for a solution.

Thank you in advance.
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