Support Forum

Issue: There are six items in the main navigation. The last item contains 18 sub-items.

On a tablet in horizontal (landscape) orientation, the drop-down (or throw-out) menu extends below the page view showing only five of the 18 sub-items. There doesn't appear to be a way to scroll up to see the rest. When the tablet is in a vertical (portrait) orientation, the mobile menu is triggered and the menu scrolls.

Possible solutions:

Is there a setting I need to engage or code to install to allow the side vertical main menu in Royalty to scroll up while the tablet is in a landscape orientation?

Is there a way to force the mobile menu to engage when the tablet is in a landscape orientation?

Is there a way to show the drop-down (or throw-out) sub-menus in multiple columns?

If you have other ideas, I'd appreciate knowing them.

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