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The option to auto-detect the current category would be a very helpful and important enhancement to the News PRO (Joomla), Top News (Joomla), and Content PRO (Joomla) particles.

This would allow the same modules to be used for different categories, rather than having to create new modules for each category.

For example, consider a situation in which you would like to use the homepage of the Headlines template as the main page for each top-level categories (Business, Fashion, Technology, Travel, etc.). Without the auto-detect feature, you would need to duplicate all the modules for each category. For a website with 10 categories and 10 modules per layout, this would result in 100 modules. With the auto-detect feature, you would only need 10 modules, which would be much more efficient.

The auto-detect feature would make these amazing particles much more powerful and provide significant benefits to developers interested in creating and managing websites that have many categories and use the same modules on each category.

Thank you
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