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Support Forum

Hello Ivo,

I have a bunch of PDF documents that I would like to have all on one page and I looked at the Media Box Particle as it allows me to have a nice image as the preview organize a certain amount of PDF’s in a row and a description text.

What I would like to achieve is having a “view” button that would open the PDF in a popup and a “download” button to obviously download the document.

I know that there are many other professional pdf/document management extensions out there for Joomla, but it seems that for something smaller like I need it would be overkill.

In the JCE editor that I use on most of my projects, there is a nice way to create the type of popup with the JCE MediaBox but with the Media Box Particle it will be much easier to manage the documents, add some and present them out of the box in a nice responsive layout.

Is there a way to implement the “popup” functionality for the Media Box Particle in some way – I would appreciate your suggestions and/or thoughts on that!
Do you think that I could combine the markup of JCE MediaBox with the Media Box Particle by modifying the files or is there an easier way to use the Modal functionality of the “uikit” framework?

This is the markup that JCE MediaBox creates to allow the popup:

<a href="https://cdn.mywebsite/document.pdf" class="jcepopup noicon" data-mediabox-width="800" data-mediabox-height="600" data-mediabox-title="The PDF document" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This is not an urgent issue and as I have seen that Support will be offline from 14th of April until 17th of April, it can be answered when you have recharged your batteries... ;)

Happy Easter!
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