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Support Forum

Porrtfolio working incorrectly

Hi Ivo,
I have a website with a Portfolio page which displays my digital artworks. No problems at all with the portfolio particle till today, when I added an image and saved it. In the general tab, when I clicked on the Apply and save button, I received this error:
Invalid Fields
Please review the fields in the modal and ensure you correct any invalid one.

I went through and realised that the name of image beside the sandwich icon was missing,(see attachment) so I wrote it again (it is "maple"), saved it and received the same error message.
I then tried to delete the image, to empty Grav, Gantry and browser cache...but no way!.
The icon with the missing name is still there and I'm stuck.
In the front end, the image (the last one at the end of the page, named "Maple leaves") is rendered properly.
All the credentials and the website URL are in the private tab.
Can you help me? Thanks in advance
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