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Position in the layout

Hi all,

I was wondering... is it possible to change the position of 'containers' like Header, Navigation, Breadcrumb in the layout of Sanctum? Or is there a way to add 1 or 2?

This is my case:
in the current layout, 'Navigation' comes first and Fullwidth comes after it.
I would like to have a fullwidth image *before* the menu. The Menu particle is designed to be in the Navigation section. So I was trying to move Fullwidth upwards.
I also tried do find something about this in the Gantry 5 documentation but I got stuck.
I created a new module position 'Fullwidth-2' in Header, but it gets the properties of Header so it's not fullwidth.

I hope you understand what I mean :)

Is there a way to get a fullwidth section on top of the menu?

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