Support Forum

Hi all,

I am starting a new website with the Milano quickstart. This is my 2nd website and I'm following my steps which were successful the 1st time (with Elemento).
But, during the installation I get an enormous page with errors and when I take a closer look it seems like 4 tables can't be created:

#__update_sites_extensions' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `#__update_sites_extensions`
#__update_sites' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `#__update_sites`
#__updates' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `#__updates`
#__ucm_history' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `#__ucm_history`

After this, my installation doesn't finish.

I read a reply on a post of Dec 1st, 2015 in which Jordan explains that there could be a problem if output buffering is orange/On.
In my case, it indeed was on.

Jordan explained how to change something in the .htaccess file.

Before I am going to do so, I would inform if you think that is what has to be done?

A difference with my first website is that right now I'm hosting it at another provider.

Thanks in advance,
with kind regards,
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