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Hi, I decided to create an override for how my blog articles are displayed (styling the custom fields in a specific way).
First, let me be clear that I do not know much about how template files are created or even where they are stored. So this may be a newbie question. In creating the override, I noticed it seems you have overrides already set up for blog-item.php in the override folder /html/com_content/category/

In protostar, no files appear in this location until an override is created, in lawyer there are copies of blog, blog_children, blog_item, blog_links, default, default_articles, and default_children.php - that is why I think you are using overrides for the template Lawyer?

So this is my question ... if I edit your file, blog_item.php - in the override folder /html/com_content/category/ - then will my override be basically overwritten if you issue an update for the Lawyer template?

I edited a copy of blog_item.php and renamed this file, but this new file did not show up as an option for "Choose a Layout" in the Menu Options tab for Menu type = category blog. So, I made changes to the file that was already there (blog_item.php), which I am guessing you included in the template.

In protostar, I could create then edit blog_item.php, so I know it won't be overwritten if they update that template. I can't afford to lose all this custom code so need to understand what would happen if I update the Lawyer template at a later date. Thank you.
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