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Slideshow with Video

Hi Ivo

I'm wondering if you may be able to help me. I have put a video in the slideshow particle and have set the embed code to autoplay. This works fine. I only want it to play once and then pause. However the custom thumbnail I have uploaded to Youtube or any of the thumbnails appear blurred when the video stops. I have tired many different images and video quality but all end up the same. I have now tried setting a second slide in the slideshow that only show the high res image but I am then unable to stop the slideshow starting again at slide 1.

My question is if it is possible to autoplay the slideshow but only play slide 1 followed by slide 2 and then stop? Or if you know of a way to make my custom thumbnail on youtube not blurred that would work also.

This is the website:View Website/

This is the YouTube video YouTube Video

I know that the thumbnail can be viewed using the following link but I know of no way to include this in my embed code???

Any help would be appreciate as this website need to be finished tomorrow.

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