Support Forum

Some customizing info

Hello, working with Glory and have now some questions because some infos looks strange.
Perhaps you're so kind and tell me how to do; please check my site

1. Feature-Particle / Style 3
- How can I change to color of the icon?
- How can I change the size of the icon (--> with selection of icon you can change the size ... e.g. large, but with this style it does not work)
- Important: How can I increase size of header?

2. Particle CTA-Button
- How can I center the Button?
- How can I change the color? I would like to have it the other way ... colored background; style 1 and 2 are not differentiating?

3. How can I reduce the height of certain module-positions?

4. I've entered in footer-c my Google Maps particle, but it does not work. Why?

Thank you for feedback.
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