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Hi Guys, I hope you can help.

I renewed my subscription last night before the 6th July renewal date to ensure I didn't forget to do it in time, then this morning I receive the 25% off Summer sale. Great

With COVID and work at the moment, things are tight, is there is any way you can accommodate the extra 25% off it would be much appreciated, either as credit or cancel the renewal last night and I can do it again?

Your help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

many thanks

Dann Stephens
Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, June 22 2020, 03:30 PM - #Permalink
    Hi Dann,

    I just extended your subscription with additional 3 months (those 3 months are 25% of the period you renewed your subscription for).
    We cannot cancel the payment because of accountancy reasons (additional invoice, credit note, other paperwork, etc).
    I hope it is fine for you.

    P.S. Thank you for staying with us :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, June 22 2020, 03:59 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks Ivo, that works for me too.

    Many thanks for your understanding and support.


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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, June 22 2020, 05:15 PM - #Permalink
    Thank you too, Dann :)
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