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svg image support in portfolio particle.

Hi, Hope you can help.

I am using both the companies and portfolio particles in a new site I am building for myself. The companies particle is on the home page and is acting as a mini portfolio with the black and white to colour image as a feature for that page. I am then using the portfolio as the main version on the work page, a bit of custom css so apart from the black and white to colour transition they look and behave the same.

The problem I am having is the use of svg image files, ideally I would like to use them as a lot of the work I do is vector based logos etc, but the images only seem to work in the companies particle and not in the portfolio particle.

If you check the link in site details, on the homepage you will see when you scroll to the 2nd section the companies particle, and in the top right box the svg image for "Bespoke Outdoor Spaces" is displaying fine, where as on the work page, the same image is not displaying at all. I have deliberately only used one svg image file for demonstration purposes, I did have more in there but it becomes a mess.

If I have to use jpegs I will, its not the end of the world, but I thought it would be nice if I can to use svg files where appropriate.

Hoping you can help.

Many thanks

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