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Hi Ivo, i received this headline in an email and I was curious if you had any additional details.
Thank you in advance-
Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 19 2018, 10:16 PM - #Permalink
    Hi Björn,

    Yes and No :)

    Well, yes, CSS Grid (as well as Flexbox and all coding in general) is not for the "end user".
    I mean, it is all CSS. You can create a Custom HTML module and then style it with CSS by using CSS Grid.

    To me, personally, it is much easier (and it is much more flexible) to use Flexbox. It the beginning, when it came out officially, it was a bit confusing, but now I love it. So I do not think that I will prefer CSS Grid any time soon. But as I said in my previous comment, it depends on the scenario and what exactly you want to achieve. You can achieve the same things with both CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid, but in some cases it might be better to use CSS Grid over Flexbox... and vice versa of course.

    After all, it is just CSS.
    It is up to you which one you will use. They all do the same thing - build grids (rows and columns).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 19 2018, 07:19 PM - #Permalink
    As far as I've understood the article CSS grid is not really interesting for a normal "end user", CSS grid is more for the complete layout / template of a site.
    Layouting an article will be much easier with flexbox than with CSS grid.
    I can't imagine one page on our website where CSS grid would make sense.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 19 2018, 10:27 AM - #Permalink
    Hi Alan,

    This is mostly a catchy title for this blog post.
    But please, do read the article. It gives some accurate details.

    So, just to shed some light on the matter with few facts:

    1. CSS Grid is a core CSS feature. It is NOT additional (3rd party) framework. This means that you can use it already with each and every template, even on Joomla 3.x.

    2. Only the default Joomla 4 template will be based on CSS Grid. Most of the template providers will still develop their products with Bootstrap 4, UIkit and so on.

    3. The Gantry 5 framework (and therefore all G5 templates) are built with Flexbox. Flexbox is also a core CSS feature.

    Look, CSS Grid is nothing special, it is really just a new way of building grids (rows and columns) via CSS.
    In the past, the grids were build with CSS Float, now we build them with the super flexible and super awesome CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid is just the newest feature.
    I do prefer CSS Flexbox over CSS Grid in general. But there will be cases where CSS Grid will be more suitable than CSS Flexbox and of course, the other way around.
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