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Tripadvisor widget in footer

I'm trying to put a standard Tripadvisor widget into the footer of my page.
Here is the Tripadvisor code which I'm trying to add.
I have a standard Contact particle in "Footer-a" position and try to add the Tripadvisor code in "Footer-b" position. I tried adding the code as a Custom Module, and as a Gantry 5 "Custom HTML" particle. But no matter what I do - the footer gets all messed up, and doesn't seem to be compatible with the Tripadvisor code.

And try I can use to make this work? Below is an example of the code I want to use. And this is my development website where you can see the result in the footer:

<div id="TA_selfserveprop330" class="TA_selfserveprop">
<ul id="5Pdmf6UVTrL7" class="TA_links GCsF1QYW3p">
<li id="AV2DHudV" class="uLdqadZUKaCd">
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" alt="TripAdvisor"/></a>
<script async src=""></script>
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