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UIkit for Gantry 5

Question, UIkit for Gantry 5 which is installed with your templates, can I also install the current UIkit so as to have acces to the latest functions such as Responsive column, background, card, etc.
There are so many new and cool additions I've tried with no success that I would like access to. I'm guessing that I'd only have conflicts by doing so, but I have to ask.
Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, February 26 2018, 10:57 AM - #Permalink
    No problem at all Steven!
    Yep, the v3 syntax is different and (in most cases) will not work with v2 :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, February 25 2018, 11:55 PM - #Permalink
    Very helpful response! I see part of my problem was that I tried using some of the code from UIkit v3. For example, responsive columns is written differently for both versions. I thought I was looking at the documentation for version 2 when I was in fact looking at version 3. Sorry for my confusion. You've got me back on track!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, February 25 2018, 10:28 PM - #Permalink
    Hi Steven,

    Most probably the two versions (v3 and v2) will be in conflict if you load them at the same time. But you can try.

    You said "There are so many new and cool additions..." - well, I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
    There's almost nothing new in UIkit v3 compared to UIkit v2.
    The framework was just reorganized and was made even more modular.
    Almost everything that you see in v3 is already available in v2 (or can be achieved by combining components).

    1. Responsive Columns - they are available in v2 as well.

    2. Background - hmm, those are just utility classes. Just write your CSS in the custom.scss file.
    For example, instead of using the uk-background-fixed and uk-background-cover classes, just write the following code in your custom.scss file:

    .yourElement {
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: cover;

    3. Card - the equivalent in v2 is Panel. Or you can just write your own HTML and style it via the custom.scss file.

    Here, have a look at this discussion in order to see what our plans for UIkit are.
    However, I do not see us updating to UIkit v3 in the next 5-6 months.
    UIkit v3 is still in beta (yep, it is pretty stable but it is indeed in Beta and some of the components that we use the most are still missing).
    Once the framework gets out of Beta, we do need to wait for couple of months so all the bugs are fixed.
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