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While I'm not new to Joomla I'm not not really a web designer so working with the templates and in particular Gantry is new for me.
I usually just maintain joomla sites from a sysadmin content management point of view...

But now I find the need to design a simple site. And I've been looking around.
I like what I see with Gantry and the Particles from IT seem to be really nice!...

But I am curious... If I compare IT themes to other template designs (g5_hydrogen for example), I notice one thing that is markedly different.
Hydrogen (and other templates from the same vendor) seems to create many styles (Gantry outlines) with the page elements and particles outlined in the style.
In turn these styles are assigned to specific menu items.

Conversely, the IT templates seem to have a single style with lots of module positions defined, which is then customised on each gantry page (particles are then assigned to modules and enabled there)..

Since I'm quite the newbie, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on the advantages/disadvantages of each approach....
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