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I'm using video-background and the video plays in the section i selected.
I see the size of the section depends only on the other content placed there and does not adjust to the video size. Is that how it should be?
Anyway, I can manage with that - I've inserted a simple HTML in that position and by adjusting the number of lines I've adjusted the length of the section so the proportions of the section match the video proportions.
But now the problem - the video appears "cropped". Only the central portion, about 3/4 I'd guess, is showing. It fills the section from edge to edge and top to bottom, but the outer edges of the video are missing. This means that the video look strange in parts with peoples heads out of view and things on the sides not seen when they should be.
I've tried all the parameter settings i can find in the video-background setup but nothing fixes the problem.
Is this a limitation? How can I get the whole area of the video showing?
Regards; David
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