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I'm trying to use the video feature particle. It is working perfectly fine when i use it to embed a youtube video with the dedicated Youtube API within an iframe.

But for some unknown reason i have trouble embedding a local file. I looked up several ways to do it using iframe, as the particle only allows iframe.
On another test site i created following worked:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="/images/vid/SiteAufruf.mp4"></iframe>

But for some reason when i try the same on the actual website it creates a window in the given boundaries displaying the Start Page of the Website, which i find very odd. I also tried variations like:
<iframe class="iframe"><video width="420" height="315" src="/images/GrouCon/Videos/Suche.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></iframe>

But this only resulted in nothing being shown at all. Not even an error Message.

It might be important that on the actual site the page, on which the Video should show up, is not the Start Page.
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