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Icon Fonts - Gantry 5 Atom
You can find all particles and atoms in our Particle Marketplace.

And again, it is time for some Gantry 5 freebies! Today we released a nice, little addition for your Gantry 5 website - meet the "Icon Fonts" atom!

As you know, the Gantry 5 framework comes with the FontAwesome library integrated by default. There is also an input.icon YAML field type (Icon Picker) that you can use in the template settings as well as in all your particles. What this "Icon Picker" actually does is to put the class of the selected icon in the field automatically so it is added in the HTML markup and rendered on the front-end.

This "Icon Picker" field is really nice as you can see all icons in a popup window and just select the one you want. But did you know that you can actually paste the icon class in the field manually without opening the popup window?

And here comes our "Icon Fonts" atom! You are no longer limited to the FontAwesome icons. You can now use the icons of all of these icon font libraries:

All you need to do is to load the "Icon Fonts" atom in your "Base" outline, enable the Icon Font library you want to use, visit their website, copy the class for the particular icon and paste it in the "Icon Picker" field in Gantry 5. That's it, as simple as that!

Of course, we would love to add more icon font libraries you can choose from. All you need to do is to leave us a comment below with the icon font library you want to be added. There are just two requirements - first, the icon font must be class-based, meaning its icons must be loaded by adding a class rather then a data attribute or other kind of content and second, the particular icon font must have an official website where users can see all icons and their class names.

I hope you like this nice, little Gantry 5 atom. Just download it and give it a try.

Also, make sure you check all the other particles and atoms that we release for FREE. For now you can find them here, until we open our "Particle Marketplace" (some time next week) where you will be able to download all our FREE and premium Gantry 5 particles and they will work out-of-the-box with any Gantry 5 theme. You can read more about it in this blog post :)

Icon Fonts atom

Icon Fonts Atom

The "Icon Fonts" atom loads different icon font libraries which you can use by simply pasting the particular icon class in the "Icon Picker" field.

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