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Royalty - Gantry 5 Joomla Template

If you are looking for a modern, creative, photography & portfolio template, then our latest Gantry 5 theme is the right choice for you! We are really happy to announce the release of Royalty - A Gantry 5 Goldie!

Royalty comes with some unique features that will make you website stand out from the rest! One of them is the Sidebar Header which stays fixed on the left/right side while you scroll. The Sidebar Header is also collapsible which is a great UX addition - visitors can just "close" it so they can see the Slideshow images in the full browser width and height or have the Portfolio items to fill out the whole available space. Of course, there are many other cool features and custom particles that come with Royalty. Let's have a closer look at the most noticable ones.

Slideshow v2 particle

We re-coded our Slideshow particle from scratch! The code base is now polished, cleaned up and optimized. We also included a lot of cool new features:

  • You can now have video slides as well. You are no longer limited to images only
  • We added a new "Overlay Style" option. You can now choose between different styles/designs for the slideshow text
  • We added many new options to the "Overlay Position" field. You can now place the text wherever you want
  • We added cool new animation effects for the slideshow overlays (text)

As you probably already know, we provide our Slideshow particle as a FREEBIE, so you can just go ahead and download v2 from our Download section (you can find the "Installation Instructions" here).

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Search/Toggle particle

We developed this particle specifically for Royalty. It combines the functionality of couple of other particles we created (Search and Contacts) and it is also responsible for opening/closing the Sidebar Header.

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Gallery particle

We updated our Gallery particle and added couple of very cool features! You now have a counter that shows how many items are tagged under the particular filter, we added a "Style 2" option that allows you to show a brief decription in a popup window for each item and we also added some new fields for the items, like the "Date" field for example.

We honestly think that our Gallery particle is one of the most advanced and flexible solutions available on the market. It offers unmatched responsive behavior, sorting, lightbox, popup description and many more cool features!

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Portfolio particle

It is a brand new particle that we introduce in Royalty for a first time! Basically, the Portfolio particle combines the features of the Gallery particle (sorting, grid, etc.) with the design and the feauture of our "Content PRO" particle. It is also one of the best portfolio solution available on the market.

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The above is just a quick overview of Royalty. For more details make sure you play with its demo and read the extended documentation we provide.
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