

The most important decision to make before proceeding with your installation is whether you should install the template manually, or if you can use the Quickstart package, which will install everything for you.

Which installation method you should use depends on the current status of your site. Also, before installing either the template manually or the Quickstart Package, please make sure you meet the Joomla! and the template requirements.


  • Apache 2.2+ or Microsoft IIS 7 (Apache strongly recommended)
  • PHP 5.4+ (PHP 5.5+ Recommended)
  • MySQL 5.1+
  • Joomla 3.4+

Also, please have a look at the Gantry5 requirements. Basically, they are the same as the above, but you will find some additional details there.

Quickstart Installation

The Quickstart Package consist of a full installation of Joomla! that installs Joomla itself, the template, the extensions, the demo content and the database data to match our demo layout. Have in mind that as this is a full Joomla! installation it may only be used on a clean server; the package cannot be installed in an existing Joomla installation. It can only be used when you start a new project/website.

99% of the customers purchase Joomla Templates because of the Quickstart Package. They just install it, replace the demo content with theirs and the site is ready. Installing the Quickstart Package will save you a lot of work.

Installing the Quickstart Package is a fairly simple process. Generally, a Quickstart install will consist of these small steps:

  1. Ensure you have installed an FTP client and prepared a database for your server, or have the credentials for an existing database.
  2. Download and extract the Quickstart Package.
  3. FTP the extracted Quickstart contents to your preferred install location.
  4. Open your browser to the install location on your server to begin the Joomla! installation process, entering the database credentials where required.

Once this final step is complete you will have a fresh install of Joomla!, along with the template and all the settings and content needed to match the demo, including sample article content. However, the images from the demo will NOT be included, as they are licensed via a third party. Instead, blank placeholder images will be included so that you can customize the content easily with your own images. For some users, the above steps are all that is needed for a successful installation of the Quickstart Package, but for those who are less experienced with this process, we recorded the following videos (they are for the Oxygen template but the process is absolutely the same for all our templates).

We use Akeeba Backup to prepare the Joomla 4 Quickstart packages.
This video, from the official Akeeba Backup documentation, shows the whole process of installing the Quickstart package (restoring an Akeeba Backup file).
Also, make sure that you click on the "Override tmp and log paths" button during the installation and that you update the admin user details.

Manual Installation

Manual Installation refers to installing the template on your Joomla! powered website. This means you already have a website with content items, modules, extensions, so you just decided you want to improve the design of your website.

If you install just the template over an existing Joomla website you will need to install and configure all extensions that are installed in the demo site and configure them absolutely the same way as they are configured in the demo site in order for your website to look like the demo site. For this purpose you will still need to install the Quickstart Package on another location, see how everything is configured there and just duplicate it on your installation.

You can find step-by-step instructions as well as a video instructions regarding the Manual Installation in the Gantry5 Documentation, in the "Installation" chapter.


All your customization (custom code) should be placed in your "Custom Style Sheet" file. This is the custom.scss file. By default, the custom.scss file does not exists, so you will need to create it. You need to create this file in root/templates/TEMPLATE_NAME/custom/scss. You will find all details in the Gantry5 Documentation, in the "Adding a Custom Style Sheet" chapter.

Changing the logo and centering the menu

You will need to change the logo, that's for sure. You can do that easily by editting the settings of the "Logo" particle:

  1. Go to the "Template Manager"
  2. Click on "Mighty - Default"
  3. Select the "Base" Outline
  4. Go under the "Particle Defaults" tab, scroll down to the "Logo" particle and upload your logo file

You can also change the logo from the Layout Manager by editing the "Logo" particle in it.

The logo (and the menu) defines the height of the Header section so if your logo is with different height than the Mighty demo logo (78px) you might need to adjust the logo margins in order to make it in the middle of the Header. You can do that easily by adding the following code in your custom.scss file (the below example and video example are with logo which has 110px height):

#g-header {
  .g-main-nav {
    margin: 2.7rem 0;

You need to modify this 2.5rem so the menu fits the design. This 2.7rem are actually 2.7rem space/margin from the top and 2.7rem from the bottom. Read more about rem units here.

Once you change the menu you might also need to adjust the dropdown top offset value in order to position it properly (you can always leave it as is, but it will look nicer if the dropdown starts where the header ends). You can do that easily by adding the following code in your custom.scss file:

@include dropdown-offset-y(43px);

You need to modify the 43px value which is the top offset of the dropdown menu.

IMPORTANT: The dropdown-offset-y is a Gantry 5 SCSS mixin so in order to be able to use it (and to use all other Gantry 5 mixins and variables) in your custom.scss you need to add the following code at the top of the file (this is also explained in the "Adding a Custom Style Sheet" chapter in the official Gantry 5 documentation):

@import "dependencies";

Have a look at the following video. It shows everything that we explained above.

Watch the Video


Updating the template

Updating the template is really easy. Here are the steps you need to perform:

  1. Download the new version of the template from the "Download" section on our website
  2. Go to "Extensions" -> "Manage" and click on the "Browse" button
  3. Select the template file you downloaded in step 1. It will usually be called
  4. Click on the "Upload & Install" button

Gantry5 Framework update

This is just a simple one click task. If there is a newer version of the Gantry Framework released you will notice that in your Joomla Admin as well as in the Template Manager. Then just click on the button.

You might also want to read the "Updating" and "Updating Themes" chapters in the Gantry5 Documentation.

Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 MigrationJOOMLA 4

Here are the steps you need to perform:

  1. Get yourself familiar with the Joomla 3.x to 4.x Step by Step Migration Guide.
  2. Make sure you are on the latest Joomla 3.10 version.
  3. Make sure you are on the latest Gantry 5 version.
  4. Install the latest version of the template.
  5. Uninstall the extensions that are not compatible with Joomla 4 (RokSprocket, News Show SP2, etc) and create/configure their replacements ("Portfolio" particle, "Accordion" and "Accordion (Joomla)" particles, "Tabs" particle, "Slideshow" particle, "News PRO (Joomla)" particle, etc).
  6. IMPORTANT: If you are using the AcyMailing extension and it is not v7 already, make sure you migrate to v7.x. Once you have migrated to v7, make sure you have completely uninstalled all v5 plugins (Extensions Manager -> Manage -> Search for "AcyMailing"). If you do not do that the update will fail and your site will become unusable.
  7. IMPORTANT: If you are using the Falang v3.x extension, make sure you disable all its plugins (Extensions Manager -> Manage -> Search for "Falang") prior to the update. If you do not do that the update will fail and your site will become unusable. Once you update to Joomla 4, install Falang v4.x and enable all its plugins.
  8. Perform the Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 update.

Gantry 5 Basics

Please have a look at the Gantry Documentation in order to discover what Gantry is all about, the core-concepts behind it, and how to get started with this next-generation framework.

You do need to read the Gantry Documentation in order to be able to setup and configure our templates on your website.

The most important things you need to know when working with our Gantry5-based templates are:

  • The Layout Manager is used mostly for creating your module positions. Apart from the module positions, you should also keep the static content in the Layout Manager. By "static content" we mean the "Logo" particle, the "Menu" particle, the "System Messages" particle, the "Page Content" particle, the "To Top" particle and the "Mobile Menu" particle.
  • If you want to hide some modules/elements on some devices (phones, tablets, etc) you should use the hidden-phone, hidden-tablet, etc. classes but you should add them in the particular module positions (under the "Block" tab) in the Layout Manager, rather then in the "Module Class Suffix" field for the particular module. You will find more details in the "Layout Manager" chapter in the Gantry Documentation.
  • As mentioned above, you create your module positions in the Layout Manager, but then you will use the Module Manager to assign your modules, as you would do in any other framework as well as in the default Joomla!
  • In order to publish the custom particles that come with the template you will use the "Gantry5 Particle" module in the Module Manager, rather than adding them directly in the Layout Manager.
  • If you want to change the style of some sections (background color, background image, text color, etc.) globally, for the whole website, you should do it under the "Styles" tab in the "Base" outline. The "Base" outline holds the defaults for the whole website. You can then override those defaults in each outline you create.
  • If you want to load an asset (JS, CSS, etc.) globally in the whole website, you can do it under the "Page Settings" tab in the "Base" outline.
  • If you want to create an empty page so you can assign modules to it, you will use the "Gantry5 Themes" -> "Custom Page" menu item type. Previously, you would use the "Featured Items" menu item type.

Required Atoms

Please have a look at the Atoms sections in the Gantry Documentation so you know what they are all about.

Atoms basically load assets (scripts and stylesheets).

You must load the following atoms so the template can work properly. We recommend adding these atoms to the "Base" outline so the assets can be loaded on all your pages:

  • "UIkit for Gantry5" Atom - loads a modified and optimized version of the UIkit Framework.
  • "Template.js" Atom - loads the template specific JavaScript code.

Optionally, you can also add the "ScrollReveal.js" atom if you want to have onscroll animations. ScrollReveal.js is a library to easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport.

If you install the Quickstart package you do not need to do anything because the above Atoms are loaded by default.

You need to load these Atoms if you install the template manually (refer to the "Installation" section for more details).

The following video shows how you add the Atoms.

Watch the Video


Gantry5 comes with a brand new Particle system which makes it easy to create, configure, and manage content blocks.

Basically, everything that you would create a Custom HTML module for is now coded in to a particle. You no longer need to copy/paste long HTML codes and edit them, you just need to click here and there and fill out fields in the Admin.

In this chapter we will show you the custom particles that we developed as well as some of the core Gantry 5 particles that we modified and enhanced, for example the "Social" particle.

For more information about the core Gantry5 particles, please have a look at the "Particles" chapter in the Gantry5 Documentation.


The "Accordion" particle is basically the UIkit Accordion coded into a particle and brought as a feature in our Gantry5-based templates. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Animated Counter

The "Animated Counter" particle displays numbers that you can animate as you wish. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Branding" particle is almost the same as the Custom HTML particle - it allows you to displays a text/HTML of your choice. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

We have not modified the "Branding" particle for the Mighty template so it has absolutely the same features and design as in the Milano template. Therefore, the video below is from the Milano template.

Watch the Video


The "Buttons" particle gives you the ability to display as many buttons as you like on one row. You can fix the buttons size or invert their color. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

CTA Button

The "CTA Button" particle display a really nice and highly effective Call-to-action button. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Companies" particle displays logos/images where you can optionally add some text. This particle is supposed to be used for sections like "Our Clients", "Our Sponsors" and so on. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Contacts" particle displays contact information. It is a really flexible particle so you can basically display whatever contact details you want. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

We have not modified the "Contacts" particle for the Mighty template so it has absolutely the same features and design as in the Oxygen template. Therefore, the video below is from the Oxygen template.

Watch the Video

Content PRO

The "Content PRO" particle is one of our most advanced particles. It incorporates several UIkit components as well as quite some custom code and functionality written by us. You can use this particle for many different things. Basically, you will use it to display content, usually images, titles and text. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Content PRO (Joomla)

The "Content PRO (Joomla)" particle looks and works in absolutely the same way as the default "Content PRO" particle. The difference is that "Content PRO (Joomla)" fetches Joomla articles automatically, while in "Content PRO" the user creates the content manually. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Features" particle displays, the quite popular nowadays, features that you, your company or your product provides. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Feedback" particle is kind of variation of the "Content PRO" particle. It displays feedback of users and clients. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Gallery" particle is also a very advanced particle that incorporated several UIkit components. It is now a piece of cake to build awesome, responsive galleries in your Joomla! website. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Google Map

The "Google Map" particle is really flexible and displays a Google Map. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

The video below is from the Galaxy template as it shows how to generate the "Google Map API Key" as per the changes made by Google on 22nd of June 2016.

Watch the Video

Image Feature

The "Image Features" particle is divided into a left and right side and allows you to present your features/services in a great way. It shows the features in columns (customizable) where you have the image on the left and title, description, special text (with icon) and a link on the right. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Keypoints" particle is divided into 3 columns. In the first and third columns you can place features/ key points with icon and link (similar to the "Features" particle). In the middle column you can display an image, which can be either fixed to the bottom of the module section or not. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Main Feature

The "Main Feature" particle is divided into a left and right side. It displays an image and some text with a button. You can achieve some really nice visual effects if you add the ScrollReveal.js functionality to this particle. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video


The "Memories" particle is divided into a left and right side. It displays 4 images with lightbox and parallax effect on one of the sides and a title, description and a button on the other side. In Mighty we have removed the right column of the particle, by using the uk-hidden class in order to show only the images. You can use the same method to hide any of the columns depending to your needs. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

OnePage Menu

The "OnePage Menu" particle display a sidebar, vertical menu that gets sticky/fixed when the user starts scrolling. And the page gets smoothscrolled to the particular sections when a menu item is clicked. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Our Team

The "Our Team" particle is a variation of the "Content PRO" particle. It displays team members together with their social accounts in a nice way. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Page Title

The "Page Title" particle is a nice, small particle that shows a title, icon and description. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

We have not modified the "Page Title" particle for the Mighty template so it has absolutely the same features and design as in the Oxygen template. Therefore, the video below is from the Oxygen template.

Watch the Video

Pricing Tables

The "Pricing Tables" particle displays pricing tables. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

We have not modified the "Pricing Tables" particle for the Mighty template so it has absolutely the same features and design as in the Oxygen template. Therefore, the video below is from the Oxygen template.

Watch the Video


The "Social" particle displays social icons and/or text. We enhanced it so you can now also have tooltips with custom test. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Video Feature

The "Video Feature" particle is a variation of the "Main Feature" particle. It is divided into a left and right side. It displays a video and some text with a button. You can achieve some really nice visual effects if you add the ScrollReveal.js functionality to this particle. The following video shows the particle itself and most of its options.

Watch the Video

Fixed/Sticky Header

Mighty has a nice fixed/sticky Header that stays on the top of the screen when you start scrolling down. This effect is achived with the UIkit Sticky component. Basically, all you need to do is to add the following "Tag Attribute" to the Header section:

data-uk-sticky="{media: 768}"

You can use only data-uk-sticky but then the Header will always be fixed, on all devices. The {media:768} tells, that the Header should only be fixed on devices that are wider than 768px.

You can easily disable the fixed Header or make another section fixed. The following video explains everything (the video is from Oxygen, but the process is exactly the same in Mighty).

Watch the Video

Modules and Positions

Mighty comes with unlimited module positions. Thanks to the awesome Gantry 5 framework you can now easily create as many module positions as you want. You just need to go to the Layout Manager, drag and drop the "Module Position" particle wherever you want it to be and set the module position name.

Quickstart Package - Modules Overview

Here, just for your orientation, you can see where the modules from the demo are published and what Module Class Suffixes they use.

"Home" Page

1. Top Menu

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Menu
Module Position: top-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

2. Social Icons | Top

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Social
Module Position: top-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

3. Logo

"Logo" particle - this is done from the Layout Manager

4. Menu

"Menu" particle - this is done from the Layout Manager

5. Home Page Slider (Revolution Slider)

Module: Unite Revolution Slider 2
Module Position: fullwidth
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

6. Mighty App Features

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Keypoints
Module Position: showcase-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

7. App Screenshots

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Content PRO (Style 1)
Module Position: intro-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

8. In-App Purchases

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Main Feature
Module Position: feature-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

9. Video Presentation

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Video Feature
Module Position: subfeature-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

10. Phones | Let's Count... (3 phones image)

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Custom HTML
Module Position: utility-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

11. Few Numbers (Let's count some numbers!)

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Animated Counter
Module Position: utility-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

12. Mighty App Reviews

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Feedback
Module Position: maintop-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

13. Home Mainbody Section (Article/ Component Section)

Particle: Pricing Tables
Position: mainbody (Home menu is set to be Gantry 5 Themes > Custom Page > Options > Pricing Tables particle)

14. Featured in Media

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Gallery
Module Position: mainbottom-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

15. People Behind Mighty

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Our Team
Module Position: extension-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

16. More Apps By Inspire

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Content PRO (Style 2)
Module Position: additional-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

17. Mighty Support

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Accordion
Module Position: prebottom-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Show

18. Support Image

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Custom HTML
Module Position: prebottom-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

19. Latest From Our Blog

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Content PRO (Joomla)
Module Position: bottom-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

20. Download Mighty Now

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Buttons
Module Position: afterbottom-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

21. The Developers

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Custom HTML
Module Position: footer-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Show

22. The Office

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Contacts
Module Position: footer-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Show

23. App Character | Footer

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Custom HTML
Module Position: footer-c
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

24. Copyright (Branding)

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Branding
Module Position: copyright-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

25. Social Icons | Footer

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Social
Module Position: copyright-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

26. To Top

"To Top" particle (Style 2) - this is done from the Layout Manager

"Tour" Page

This is a Joomla article with particles/modules loaded using {loadposition positionname}. For more details have a look at the How do you put a module inside an article? chapter in the official Joomla documentation.

1. Tour Page Title

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Page Title
Module Position: breadcrumb-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

2. Breadcrumbs

Module: Breadcrumbs
Module Position: breadcrumb-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

3. Tour Menu

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: OnePage Menu
Module Position: sidebar-left
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

4. Article Section - The following particles are loaded in the article:

4.1. Tour 1 | Look Inside

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Main Feature
Module Position: tour1
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

4.2. Tour 2 | Mighty Features

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Features
Module Position: tour2
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

4.3. Tour 3 | Goodies

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Memories
Module Position: tour3
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

NOTE: The "Right CSS Classes" field has uk-hidden class in order to hide the entire right column of the particle.

4.4. Tour 4 | Frequently Asked Questions

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Accordion
Module Position: tour4
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

4.5. Tour 5 | Stay Tuned

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: CTA Button
Module Position: tour5
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

4.6. Tour 6 | Try It Now

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Buttons
Module Position: tour6
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

"Contacts" Page

1. Features Title (Breadcrumbs Position)

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Page Title
Module Position: breadcrumb-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

2. Breadcrumbs

Module: Breadcrumbs
Module Position: breadcrumb-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

3. Contacts Map

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Google Map
Module Position: fullwidth
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

NOTE: Make sure you check the Google Map video in the Particles section to understand better how to change the map color and settings.

4. Contact Details

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Features
Module Position: intro-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

5. Contact Form

Component: Contacts > Mighty App user

"About" Page

1. Page Title (Breadcrumbs Position)

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Page Title
Module Position: breadcrumb-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

2. Breadcrumbs

Module: Breadcrumbs
Module Position: breadcrumb-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

3. Who We Are

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Main Feature
Module Position: feature-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

4. Why Us?

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Keypoints
Module Position: intro-b
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

5. Counter | About

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Animated Counter
Module Position: utility-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

6. Happy Users

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Feedback (Style 2)
Module Position: mainbottom-a
Module Class Suffix: title-center
Show Title: Show

7. Call To Action 3

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Buttons
Module Position: prebottom-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

"Typography" Page

1. Features Title (Breadcrumbs Position)

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: Page Title
Module Position: breadcrumb-a
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

2. Breadcrumbs

Module: Breadcrumbs
Module Position: breadcrumb-b
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide

3. OnePage Menu

Module: Gantry 5 Particle
Particle: OnePage Menu
Module Position: sidebar-left
Module Class Suffix: none
Show Title: Hide
The best thing you can do (and actually you MUST do) is to install the Quickstart Package and see how everything is configured and what module class suffixes are used for each module.


The Web is full of all kinds of different Joomla extensions. Throughout the years we had the chance to work with many extensions from many different providers which helped us to filter the best of best ones. The extensions that we use in our templates have the cleanest code, the best functionality and they've been very well supported by their developers.

Almost all of the extensions that we use are FREE! If there is a premium (paid) extensions, we usually try to include a FREE alternative for it.

Below you will find the Download link and the Documentation for each extension (Component, Module, Plugin) that we have used in this template.

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