Medical - Joomla Template

Joomla Template


Medical Best Features & Benefits:

Built on Gantry 5 Framework
Medical brings the full power of the Gantry 5 Framework!
Responsive Layout all the way
Fits perfectly on any desktop, phone or tablet!
Unlimited Positions & Colors
Easily add and change positions and colors!
Powerful Template Settings
Hundreds of options to control your template!
Modern and Trending Design
It is easy to impress your clients with Medical!
Highly Customizable Option
Design it your way or simply change anything you like!
Fast and Reliable Support
Our support staff will help you, because we care!
Best Price Guaranteed
Our plans are carefully made and available for everyone!
Amaze Your Clients!
Build an amazing website that will leave your clients speechless!
Extensions Used:
  • None (Only Particles)
  • Last Update: 28 December 2023
  • Version: 1.7.0
  • Compatibility: JOOMLA 3, JOOMLA 4 and JOOMLA 5
  • Framework: Gantry 5

Medical Review

Medical is a modern, medical & dental Joomla template built on the powerful Gantry 5 Framework. It is nice, clean and perfectly coded template that fits almost any business website. Medical comes with many custom particles that bring some unique features and make the website configuration a real pleasure! We also integrated the UIkit Framework in a very natural way which gives you amazing freedom and possibilities.

Medical comes with a strong documentation as well! The video tutorials will help you to configure your website in minutes!

Medical - Joomla Template
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