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I just upgraded Joomla 3 site that is on IT Delight. When I did so, I ran into an issue.

When attempting to open any article on the site, I would get this error: "Error 500 behavior.caption Not found"

In searching all the file content on all files on the site, I found three files that include this line: JHtml::_('behavior.caption');

When I comment out the one controlling Article display, the error went away, but now I have a small "expired" message under the page title.

The three PHP files are:

/html/com_content/article/default.php line 21
/html/com_content/category/blog.php line 14
/html/com_content/featured/default.php line 14

In researching this error, I discovered that the "JHtml::_('behavior.caption');" function is deprecated and no longer supported in Joomla 4.

Can you please help with this.

Thank you.
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