Support Forum

A question about box width in the Layout manager

Hi all,

I have a question about adjusting the width of module positions in the Gantry 5 Layout manager. Maybe I don't see some small detail, but I am not able to make adjustments.
For example, I have two modules (one with the Portfolio particle in position Intro-a; and one with a custom HTML-module in position Intro-b).
What I would like to have is Intro-a to be 75%, then a spacer of 5% and then Intro-b 20%.
I attach a screenshot of my Layout manager in the backend (I deleted intro-c and intro-d).

On the frontend, both positions have 50%, as you can see in the 2nd attachment.

Do you have any idea what is going wrong here?

Have a very nice evening,
with kind regards,
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