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Accordion (Joomla) – Behavior

Accordion (Joomla) – Behavior

I have 19 items in an accordion (the content in each item comes from another module/particle). As the content in each accordion item is pretty long, I observed the following behavior:

(By default all the items are closed initially and if you open a second one the first one closes)

If you click on the first item in the accordion, it opens nicely - you continue reading (scroll down) and get to the next item. Now when you click on the next item all its content gets pushed up above the visible area (fold) and you have to scroll back up to get to the beginning of the item you just opened.

Is there a way that when clicking on an accordion item (title) it moves the title to the top of the page and displays the content from there “downwards”? With that it would be avoided to scroll back up again…

The issue can be seen here (about half way down of the page):

Example Page

Thanks in advance for any tips…

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