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Hello Ivo,

I would like to know if you have a better way to accomplish what this. I'd like to be able to add some space between the bottom of the onepage menu and its boundary. As it is now, when the onepage menu hits the boundary, the border sits flush with the border of the boundary.

I've been applying a workaround for this for a while now the only way I know how. When I've done this, I have removed the borders and added the following to my custom.scss:

.onepage-menu-margin-bottom {
ul > li:last-child {
@include breakpoint(no-mobile) {
margin-bottom: 4.5rem;

I then add that class to the particle.

I know this is technically a hack. If the bottom border was present it would include the 4.5rem value showing a lot of space between it and the menu item.

Do you know of a better way to do this that would also allow me to keep the borders present?

As an aside note, that may help with this, you may remember a few years back you made a special particle for me based off of the Onepage Menu particle that created a "fixed position".

As a reminder the Joomla G5 Particle, "Fixed Module", gets assigned to a module position. By adding that Joomla G5 Particle Module, it creates a new fixed position called "fixed-module" in the position where the "Joomla G5 Fixed Module Particle" module is assigned. Any module assigned to the new "fixed-module" position is, as it sounds, fixed to that position just like the way the Onepage Menu particle is.

The one exception being, that if I add a class, that adds a "margin-bottom", to the Joomla Module assigned to the new "fixed-module" position, then the "margin-bottom" value is actually applied between the bottom of the module and the boundary set in the "Fixed Module" Particle.

I hope that makes sense and possibly helps you in being able to implement this feature.
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