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Can't figure this behavior

Hey Guys,

I need some help trying to figure out what is causing this template layout to behave this way:

I have 2 News PRO (Joomla) particles that are showing bizarre behavior.

When you log in as a user that has access level permission to view both of these, they appear as (image 1). The first one has it’s 2 article images cut off, while the second one below shows the first 5 articles ok but also shows 2 extra articles that are cut off when it is set to only show one row with 5 articles. And the scroll/dots indicator is way too many dots.

The bizarre part is that if I grant access to this to see all of the News PRO items on this page, then all the particles show up fine.

There are a few News PRO particles on this page which is supposed to only let users that have access to the subscribed articles to only see the ones that is meant for them. But as it is now, unless I let them see all of the particles I get this weird cutoff effect.

I have given you access as superuser and you can test by turning off all the access levels when you log in and try and only see the APEG1 and the APEG2 access levels to reproduce the issue.

The page is located here once you log in:

Thank you for your help guys
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