Hi Ivo,
I've made changes so that the header text is in white against a non-white background (so, the reverse of the demo site).
In Base Outline - Styles - Section Styles I have made changes to the background colour, text colour, and heading colours for sections: Top, Header, (as well as Footer, Copyright).
I cannot figure out where I make changes to colour (text) for the dropdown menu from main menu (inside header section). They are presently 'whited out' (white text against white background), I would like white background to remain but have the text in graytone (e.g., demo's Preset 5: #91929c.
If this is done in custom css file please be *very specific*, as I have not created one yet (and don't know if any other custom code I might need (for other issues) should fall before or after code for this matter).
Thank you