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It looks like the Oxygen particles may not show as options, when creating a new module type = Gatnry 5 particle. I am in the actual site now, attempting to create a sample page for the new homepage, but I cannot select an Oxygen particle for a mod for the new homepage. Error message says "Default template style 'Graffito - Default' is not using a Gantry 5 theme. Displaying only default particles." It does show some particles, but not the Oxygen ones. BTW, Graffito is on older Gantry4 template.

I can work around this (build the homepage on a demo site) but just wanted to confirm ... is that no way to create a module using Oxygen particles if Oxygen is not set as default template for the whole site? I tried assigning it to one page that is using Oxygen template, but still it wouldn't show Oxygen particles.

Thank you! Vicky
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