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CSS Compiled With Warnings: Background-size

Hello Ivo, I have updated a website from Joomla 3.10.12 to Joomla 4.4.1. Currently, everything seems to be in order, but I am encountering an issue during the style recompilation: the background size of the prebottom, set to 100%, is generating an error.

Here are the details of the CSS warning:

CSS Compiled With Warnings
Outline: default
File: milano
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote() will be an error in future versions of Sass. on line 7 of /home/.../public_html/templates/it_milano/scss/milano/_prebottom.scss

The steps I followed on Joomla 3.10.12 were as follows: I updated Gantry5 to version v5.5.17, and subsequently, I updated the Milano template to version v1.15.0.

Later, I performed the upgrade to Joomla 4.4.1.

To resolve the error, I corrected line 7 in the _prebottom.scss file as follows:

background-size: $prebottom-background-size;

After this correction, the error disappeared. However, I would like confirmation that this is the correct procedure. I also noticed some threads where you suggested ignoring the error or setting a different value than 100%. Could you provide further guidance on the best approach in this situation?

Furthermore, I would like to report that after the upgrade, the Fixed header atom set to #g-maintop has stopped functioning. Could you please check into this?

Thnak You
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