Support Forum

Good afternoon.

PHP Version 7.3.17
Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.9.18 Stable
Gantry 5
NORMAN Template

I am getting the following error message - /libraries/gantry5/classes/Gantry/Component/Twig/TwigCacheFilesystem.php on line 64

I can not access the template in the try backend or front end. I get the attached messages.

I still am able to access the full Joomla backend and I can change the default template to BREEZ3 and access the front end with that template.

I can not access the Gantry 5 component in the backend. I get the same error message as attached.

Would you kindly advise me where to look or what the next step in fixing this would be?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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