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Feedback2 used in article as Author Details

Hi Ivo, I'm using the particle "feedback2"in joomla article, to display an image and some info for the Author Details (I hate to use Gravatar, because it slows down the page) I use the load-module in Joomla article and things are ok, but now I'd like some more style for my particle: ideally I'd like the fields "Name" and "Position" to be above the description "About me" and an icon "email"enclosed in a round circle (like in "People Particle") Is there a way to accomplish this result?
I tried also "People" and it could be ok, but I don't like the duplicate "Title" and "Position" beside the image and in the main field....
I suppose this can be a good alternative for blog authors, so maybe you could also write a more specific particle... it's a shame that Joomla core hasn't a field "image" to add just beside the author links and info :(
Thanks for your reply (and sorry to ask some stylish addition to an existing particle...I know you are so busy-busy now with Joomla 4 ;) )
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