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I have the Gadget particle installed on my site (locally) and it is working fine except with regards to the map size when the width is set as a percentage (less than 100%).

In my case, I have four contact elements that are displayed at the top, Phone, Fax, Address and Email.

I have set the map width to 75% and the height to 500px.

The modal opens correctly, taking up 75% of the width of the viewport.
The four contact elements are properly displayed, each as a column of 25% of the modal's viewport.

The problem is that the map itself displays at 75% of the modal's viewport, aligned left, leaving a column of 25% white space on it's right. See the attached screenshot.

I also tried to see if it was an issue related to the number of contact items at the top, and removed one such that there are only three. The issue is still present.
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