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Hi Ivo my friend,

hope you are fine !

This is my new project: Link.
I am using the "Gadgets" Particle with Custom Links at the left side. I have totaly three links, the first one includes an icon of WhatsApp.

The customer asks me for an colored whatsapp icon, for a better recognition of it.
Try to change the color in green of it, but it changes all buttons at once [ g-gadgets .g-gadget-buttons > div > a { color: #4dba0c; } ] .
But I just want to change the whatsapp icon. So is there a way to change just that one button ? How can I handle it separately?

Or even, can I put just an .png - image (whatsapp logo) instead of an icon at that place?

I love the Gadgets particle and use it really often, it would be great when I could customize it for different needs - like for the customer request above.

Hope you can help me out with that issue.

Thank you in Advance!
Best regards from Berlin
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