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Hi, I upgraded to Gantry 5.4.22 and noticed that when I am on the styles tab for a layout, the currently selected option for any section does not show up. It doesn't make any difference whether it is the Base Outline, or any other outline.

For example, if I choose "Home" Layout, then go to the Styles tab, then scroll down to 'Pre-bottom Styles' there are a number of fields with dropdown lists, which should show the current setting. Eg Background Repeat, Background Size, Background Attach. Currently these are all blank. When you click on any field the list of select options appears and you can select an item, but the field returns to blank. The actual value does appear to be applied when saved though.

This is happening across all sections styles, on all layouts.

Any idea what is going on? I can continue with it like this, but once I hand the site over to the client this is going to be an issue for them as it's confusing.

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