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Support Forum

Hi, I need help with smooth-scroll.

I'm using the Gantry 5 Helium template. I have the UIkit for Gantry 5 installed. I'm not using the OnePageMenu particle. I've found two approaches to smooth scrolling.

The first in the Gantry 5 documentation. This uses body class and tag attributes to include soft scroll (data-scroll). I couldn't get this to work.

The second approach is in this support forum. The instruction here is to use data-uk-smooth-scroll attribute in the address (a) element. This sounded promising, however, I can't find where to add this.

I'm using the owl carousel in the header section and I want the button to scroll down to the g-intro section. Right now it jumps to the spot (like going to a new webpage) rather than scrolling down.

Any pointers would be appreciated. I've been looking at this since yesterday!

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