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I have an idea for a boxed/module style for the News PRO particle that is common on news/magazine sites. It's very simple. I think it makes it a little bit easier to see how content is organized/grouped on the page. It can be applied in various ways. For example, a white background could be applied to individual items within a module (See screenshot) or to the entire particle itself. I've even seen it used with a very soft drop shadow/glow which improves readability and offers a distinguished look when applied tastefully.

Although the style could be achieved using css overrides, it seems common enough that perhaps you would consider adding it as a built-in style, so that entire layouts could be built quickly in the boxed/module style using the News PRO particle.

What do you think?

Thank you!

Note: The screenshot was put together very quickly to illustrate the point, but it's very rough. Other interesting features, like "Popular" or "New" or "Featured" tags could be applied to popular/new/featured items. Even color-coding based on category could be applied to the particle title and navigation, if you want to make it really fancy :)
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