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J2Store Dropdown and Radio Buttons

Hello Ivo,

Some time ago you were helping me setup J2Store on another of your templates and I wanted to add the jQuery Nice Select to the template.
You suggested this.

I wanted to let you know that I'm going through this process again, only this time it is causing a problem with the Dropdown option and radio button option.
In J2Store, if you create an option for a product, for example shirt sizes S, M, L, XL and add those as options for the product using a dropdown or radio button, it will simply show the options instead of presenting you with the dropdown or with radio buttons it won't show the radio button. If I remove jQuery Nice Select, then everything works fine.

I just thought you should know so you could test it out on your end in case something needs to be updated for the Delight template.

kind regards,

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